Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidenced-based, short-term parent coaching program for young children with behavioral problems. It is designed to increase positive parent-child interactions, and equips parents to confidently, calmly, and consistently manage their child’s behavior.
With PCIT, a therapist observes and coaches the parent in real time while the parent and child interact. If the session is in-person, the therapist is in an observation room with a one-way mirror or in another space watching a live video feed, while the parent and child are in a playroom. If it’s a virtual (aka telehealth) appointment, the therapist will watch via video and coach the parent through headphones.
Where Do You Offer PCIT?
Virtual/Telehealth Appointments
What is PCIT Therapy?
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy is a therapy that teaches you, as the caregiver, how to be your own play therapist! These easy techniques encourage how to use positive attention to get rid of those harder, disruptive behaviors.
PCIT is completed with two phases. The first phase focuses on strengthening the relationship between the caregiver and child using positive attention alone! The second phase introduces limits and boundary settings for the child.
Who is Eligible for PCIT?
Children who display any or all of the following:
- Parent-child relational problems
- Refusal and defiance of adult requests
- Easy loss of temper
- Purposeful annoyance of others
- Destruction of property
- Difficulty staying seated
- Difficulty playing quietly
- Difficulty taking turns
You do not need a referral! Only our accepted insurances.
PCIT Screening Questions
Are you tired of getting phone calls from school about your child’s behavior?
Is your child destructive? Do they break things on purpose?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by your child’s tantrums?
Have you felt embarrassed by your child’s behavior when out in public?
Do you have immense love for your child, but sometimes find it hard to like them because of their challenging behaviors?
What Can PCIT Help With?
Parent-child relational problems
Refusal and defiance of adult requests
Easy loss of temper
Purposeful annoyance of others
Destruction of property
Difficulty staying seated
Difficulty playing quietly
Difficulty taking turns
Why choose PCIT?
PCIT is an evidenced-based treatment for children 2-7 years of age with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties.
PCIT decreases frequency, severity, and duration of tantrums. PCIT also decreases parental frustrations.
PCIT increases attention span, self-esteem, and pro-social behaviors.
PCIT was found to be one of the top parent training programs available to help reduce the symptoms and problem behaviors associated with ADHD.
How does PCIT work?
With consistency, PCIT can be completed within 12-20 sessions, though treatment is not time-limited! Treatment is completed with you have learned both phases and your child’s unwanted behavior is within typical limits on a behavior rating scale.
In-person treatment is encouraged, but we can accommodate for virtual sessions. It requires commitment and patience, though.