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The world has changed. Our mission hasn’t.

Financial Support

Financial gifts are used to offset the cost of items not covered by insurance, including chaplain services, activities, camp, art and music therapy, outings and much more. If you'd like to make on online contribution to support the programs of Wellspring Lutheran Services, please use the secure form below.

The Foundation

The Wellspring Lutheran Foundation is unique. It is our goal to be as transparent as possible with the work we do, so you, as a supporter of our mission, can be a part of this journey with us ... every step of the way.

Throughout our website, you will see the stories of people we serve. It is through their stories that you can see how your gift has made a lasting impact on each one of their lives. The truth is, all of the things that make Wellspring special come through the support of people like you – people who care about our mission, get involved, and help us find new ways to offer encouragement to some really incredible people.

Whether you are a volunteer, first-time supporter or long-time friend, you are making a difference in the lives of people all around you. Together, we look forward to living out our vision.

Ways to Give

Monthly Giving Options

Our Wellspring teams often meet someone on one of the most difficult days of their lives. More often than not, they are in crisis and need immediate intervention/services. Whether it is a senior who fell at home, a child who is being removed from a family, or a loved one who needs wrap around services to stay safely in their home, your gift helps us provide immediate support for someone in need.

Thank you for considering a monthly investment. We are confident your support will help change lives, strengthen families and transform communities.

Monthly Gift                                   Annual Impact

$8.34/month                 =                $100/year

$20.84/month               =                $250/year

$41.67/month                =                $500/year

$83.34/month               =                $1,000/year

$208.34/month             =                $2,500/year

To start making your investment today, follow this link and click the “Make this a monthly gift” section on the form.

Wellspring Annual Fund

We couldn’t do this important work without your support. So, we are so grateful you are here to research how best to support the mission of Wellspring.

Each year, we serve more than 10,000 children, families and seniors in Michigan. While some of the care we provide families is reimbursed by insurance or state contracts, we also go above and beyond to care for the whole person. Your donations help us provide critical support like our chaplain program, music therapy, bereavement camps, prom dresses, senior pictures, emergency relief, etc. Through our annual fund, we can meet the needs of our clients and residents immediately because we have the funds readily available.

If you are interested in making an unrestricted gift to the annual fund, please donate today.

Supply Drives

Supply drives for Wellspring is a blessing to our teams, and also to the people we serve. Thank you for being willing to organize a supply drive on our behalf. We are blessed to have exceptional partners in the community who will help us meet the needs of the people we serve.

If you are planning on doing a supply drive, please contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by emailing Mike Redford at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 989-928-0201.

Ask us for a Recent Supply Drive List

Stirred to Help

John 5 | The Bethesda Project

A campaign to support adults with special needs to live their lives to the fullest.

Imagine being a disabled adult and being dependent on others for much of your daily life activities. Now imagine those you count on are no longer available.

When Wisconsin-based AbleLight announced its intent to exit its work in Michigan of serving adults with lifelong cognitive, mental and physical disabilities in Saginaw County, Wellspring and its board of directors were “Stirred to Help.”

In John 5, we are provided with an extraordinary example of Jesus’ love for all people. He enters an area of Jerusalem where the healing pool of Bethesda was located — a place where “a great number of disabled people used to lie.” In those days, they would wait for the waters of the pool to be stirred by an Angel of God. Once the water was stirred, healing could occur for the first one to enter the waters.

In verse 7, a man who had been an invalid all his life told Jesus, “Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool where the water is stirred.” Jesus miraculously heals him without needing to enter the pool.

On February 1, 2024, Wellspring announced it had signed a letter of intent with AbleLight to step in and provide necessary structure and supports for these important ministries to continue. With that commitment comes the need for the community to now recommit and ask, “How can I help?”

Wellspring has committed to raise $400,000 over the next three years.
  • $150,000 to invest in expansion, capital improvement and upgrades to the home on Mayer Road in Frankenmuth that supports up to 10 people.
  • $250,000 for operational support that will allow day-to-day changes to be carefully made without significant negative impact on staff.
  • Additional money not required to support program performance will be reserved by the board of directors to establish a fund for future needs of residents.


• Barb Crawford
• David Gehm
• Mary Jo Krick
• Steve List
• Al Nuechterlein
• Mike Redford
• John Shelton
• Martha Shelton
• Scott Zimmer

Mailing Your Donation?

If you are mailing your financial gift to Wellspring, please make checks payable to Wellspring Lutheran Foundation and mail to: 

2825 Wieneke Rd.
Saginaw, MI 48603

For questions about your financial gift, please call our Mission Advancement Representative, Mike Redford at 989.928.0201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..